Atalanta Falcons Briefing

Falcons’ Owner Arthur Blank meets the media in the Georgia Dome.

Says the team will move forward from this. He thanks the community for its support the team for the last five years. Says had the team known about the situation, it would have confronted it head on. Only Michael Vick knows why he did what and why he did. But at the same time, he believes in redemption and Michael stated on that way hits morning. Blank praises NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for acting swiftly in this situation. Says the team will look at the legal ramifications.

GM Rich McKay steps to the mike and talks about the salary cap hit on the team and it is there for this season. As far as pursuing Michael’s bonus money, the team is going to pursue that immediately. If it comes back, it will be a salary cap credit for next season. Rich says this is not spiteful, it is a process that has to be done.
Will Michael be a Falcon again? Will he run out of the tunnel again? That’s a question he cannot answer at this time. Any dollar recovered will be credited towards the salary cap. Now it’s time to close this chapter, move forward and play football.

Both Blank and McKay answer questions from the media. Blank says this is about Michael and not about the Falcons. Says when Michael reflects, he’ll realize this.

This will take a while, but what I’ve written down is the nuts and bolts of the briefing. I’ll be back later with more links.

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