Big Ten Bloggers

I’m proud to announce that The Buckeye Battle Cry is now officially a member of Big Ten Bloggers.

Big Ten Bloggers is designed to bring us all a little closer. People who run blogs for Big Ten schools now have a way to easily share contacts and information…and to spread that info on to our readers. Plus, it’s always good to expand your horizons.

I always knew my Buckeye blogs well….Eleven Warriors was the most entertaining, Buckeye Commentary was the most insightful, MotSaG was the best all-around, etc. But I never knew how hilarious Hawkeye Compulsion was, or how Black Shoe Diaries can dissect a game. That’s all changed, thanks to Big Ten Bloggers.

So check out the feed on the right side of the page, and don’t be afraid to read the ramblings of our fellow conference bloggers.

Oh, and if any of you know how to alter my feed so I can actually look like everyone else’s Big Ten Bloggers feed, drop me a line.

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