
Check out this awesome email and inexplicable photo from 18to88 reader Matt:

just caught up on your blog. want to reiterate how much I appreciate your site. let me break it down to you like this: we don’t have cable, but we do have three kids. basically no time to keep up unless the colts get the local cbs slot/sun night game. we had the bengals/browns rodeo today.so I had the espn.com gamecast running on the laptop trying to keep up. your running thoughts filled in a lot of holes for me. in return, I’d like to share w/you a screenshot I took of the game cast window.the zombie sacked VY early in the 4th Q, but I probably wouldn’t have noticed had it not been for the headshot that I noticed from across the room. take a look, then ask yourself (like I asked myself) — whaaaaaaaat? keep up the good work looking fwd to the podcast

Ok, so here’s the screen shot. I can’t even describe my shock to see that face next to immortal name of Bob Sanders. If you can’t tell, they have the face of a 40 year old white dude with a hair helmet and glasses. ooooooh, Bob is going to be piiiiiissed!


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