Thursday Afternoon Linkage

I’ll give you a few links here and then head for home. I may have an update tonight. Not sure.

First, Tom Hoffarth of the LA Daily News reports in his Farther Off the Wall blog that KLAC has made a change in its morning show, blowing out Fred Roggin, TJ. Simers and Tracy Simers today. Dan Patrick will take their place starting next Monday. Katy Bachman of Mediaweek reports on the premiere of Dan’s new show on Monday which will be syndicated from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET. Radio Ink magazine says the Content Factory will syndicate the show with Premiere Radio Networks distributing it. Phil Wallace of the SoCal Sports Observed blog has his take on the decision to remove Roggin and the Simers from KLAC.

Some Breaking News here, in a move that is not a surprise to anyone, Pro Football Talk breaks the story that Joe Theismann has been dropped by ESPN (scroll down to 2:08 p.m.).

Neil Best in his Newsday blog says Cablevision will add TBS HD next week in time for next week’s League Divisional Series.

Mike Reynolds of Multichannel News says TBS is ramping up its promotion for the MLB Postseason.

CBS Sports tells us that it will have a Super Bowl QB symposium on the NFL Today this Sunday. And NFL analysts Dan Marino, Phil Simms, Dan Dierdorf and Rich Gannon chime in for Week 4, plus if you scroll down, CBS provides the announcer assignments for the next three weeks.

ESPN will have a special documentary on Outside the Lines on October 7 focusing on the son and grandson of the Reverend Jim Jones, who was the notorious cult leader who led hundreds to mass suicide in 1978.

That’s it for now.

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