Tuesday Update or “I Cry at Cinderella”

I’ll explain the title in a moment. Time to give you a few links this afternoon.

Last night, WCBS Yankees announcer Suzyn Waldman was doing the postgame show and what she did has become fodder on blogs and sports radio stations across the country. And it’s unbeknownst to me why WCBS put this on its website as a podcast. But it’s great for you the reader. You can listen to Suzyn as she literally breaks down in the locker room as she describes the Yankees coaches crying at Joe Torre’s statements in the postgame press conference. Yankees coaches crying? I can understand because they feel it’s the end of a long run. But a broadcaster crying on the air? There’s a time and a place and that’s not the place for it. Awful Announcing has its take on the whole thing.

CNBC’s Darren Rovell looks at the Roger Clemens deal with the Yankees now that their season is over.

Those of you visiting in the new NHL Store in New York may notice a new studio there. It will be used for XM Satellite Radio to air live shows and interviews. The Orbitcast satellite radio blog has the story.

Neil Best of Newsday has an anecdote of TBS’ Chip Carey being the batboy for the Atlanta Braves in the early 1980’s during which time Joe Torre was the manager.

Brian Davis of the Dallas Morning News says the Big 12 is in a holding pattern for October 20 because ESPN has yet to decide which games it wants to televise leaving FSN and Versus in the lurch.

Hall of Fame Houston Astros broadcaster Milo Hamilton is recovering from a heart attack over the weekend. Hamilton has called games in Pittsburgh, Atlanta and Chicago.

William Houston of the Toronto Globe and Mail says the new Hockey Night in Canada had a low key debut last Saturday.

Among the things Gregg Easterbrook is discussing in his Tuesday Morning Quarterback are using the tight end more, the problems with the Buffalo Bills, democratizing the skies, the hypocracy of the movie industry and suspending players who are no longer in the NFL.

That’s it.

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