TBS Hot Corner, Day 9 or I Don’t Have Much To Write About

Giving you a post on TBS Hot Corner. This evening, I was busy giving you the Videos of the Week so my attention has been elsewhere. Plus, I’ve been entertaining guests so I’ve been a bit distracted.

Of what I’ve seen, the Atlanta studio crew of the lovely Heather Catlin, Matt Dagostino and the lovely Kelly Cross have been answering trivia questions on the TBS Hot Corner website. In addition, the MLB.com studio of Vinny Micucci and John Marzano have been engaged in a discussion during which I went to look at old pictures of my relatives.

Game 3 of the National League Championship Series has been good as it’s tied at 1 in the 6th inning.

I don’t have much to write about. I’ll continue to watch and if something happens, you’ll see it here.

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