TBS Hot Corner, Day 10 or Doing the Handshake Dance

I’ve got to give the guys at TBS Hot Corner major props. For the past couple nights, Matt Dagostino and Heather Catlin have been re-enacting home run dances. This shows you how loose the format is. You would not see this on Baseball Tonight or the ALCS Live on Fox Sports.com.

So while the highlights of the Red Sox-Indians rolled, Matt noticed that Kenny Lofton and Victor Martinez were doing a handshake dance in the dugout. Heather suggested she and Matt attempt it.

Then this blogger sent an instant message to Kelly Cross stating that the handshake dance between Orlando Cabrera and Kevin Millar during the 2004 Red Sox World Series season be re-enacted. And shortly afterwards, the tape of the dance was shown. Whether it was pulled from the archives at TBS or MLB, this shows you that the guys are on top of their game.

We do look forward to seeing if a home run dance will surface tonight.

Right now, Arizona is up, 1-0 in the 5th and we have Vinny Micucci, John Marzano and the rotund tool from Baseball Prospectus in the MLB.com studios. I’ll be flossing my teeth during the rest of this segment. Someone rescue Marzano. It looks like he’s in the middle of a hostage situation.

Back later.

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