Keep The Faith

This is no time to quit on the 2007 Boston Red Sox. Not when the going gets tough and certainly not when their collective backs are against the wall for the first time this year.
Most people like to forget about Kevin Millar, but it was one of his quotes that kept the spirits alive in the wasteland of being down 3-0 to the hated Yankees. He strode around Fenway Park exclaiming that allowing the Sox one inch of life, one victory in Game 4, could wake up the sleeping beast. Then, we have Pedro in Game 5, Schilling in Game 6, and in Game 7 anything can happen.
Here in 2007 we find ourselves under familiar circumstances. Instead of Pedro, we feature the road warrior Josh Beckett going up against C.C. Sabathia for the second time. Instead of 2004 Curt we have 2007 Curt, slightly older and slightly less powerful but still boasting the heart of a lion. Game 7 doesn

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