Shawn’s Status Report- Bullpen

It is about that time of the year when college students are gearing up for finals. They are cramming every ounce of information into their brains in which they will soon forget afterward. Red Sox Nation let us not be like the above mentioned but let us move on to another season of baseball.
I will be handing out the final grades for the bullpen in this session of Shawn’s Status Report in addition to my expectations of the season to come. Additional grades by others are welcome and so are predictions or expectations.
Jonathan Papelbon (CP)
– The backbone of the bullpen, the doorman who slams the door in your face, the World Series closer, and a man with some nasty dance moves.
– Papelbon completed 37 saves out of 40, had an ERA of 1.85, and had a record of 1-3 and in my evaluation finishing 10th in saves (tied with Joe Nathan and Chad Cordero) in the league is not too shabby either.
Grade: A
Seasonwise only blowing three saves is key to a teams success and morale. Their closer needs to be pitching lights out and Jonathan Papelbon did just that. In the playoffs Papelbon had four saves and helped the Boston Red Sox win a World Series. I think it is hard to argue that Papelbon does not deserve an A.
Expectations for next year:
– Blow one less save, have the same emotion and thrill me every time you step on the rubber and save at least 35 games and that my friends will be what I expect from Paps next season. Hey, he may not get that many saves next year if David Ortiz surgery recovery goes well, Manny Ramirez wakes up during the season, and J.D. Drew has a better season than last.
Hideki Okajima (RP)
– The foreign sensation, OKIE DOKIE, the holds specialist, and the oh-my-god where did this guy come from and how does he pitch the ball that way. (Thanks Tim McCarver for reminding Red Sox fans every time he came into pitch during the playoffs — like we did not know this already. It is a funny delivery so just get over it and your hatred for the Boston Red Sox organization).
– Okajima finished ninth in the league with 27 holds in only his rookie season. Note: holds is a personal favorite stat of mine. Okajima came up huge for the Boston Red Sox eating up lots of innings (69.0 to be exact) and pitched out of key situations to help aid the Boston Red Sox run to the playoffs and eventual winning of the World Series.
Grade: A-
– Okajima hit a tough patch during the season as we all know and I personally expect that he can do better than what he did last year. I am not crazy. I feel as Okajima is like your son or daughter or friend and you know there is more to come. You know there is something better to be achieved. So, with that said I want more than 27 holds next season. Who knows if Mike Timlin comes back and how the bullpen will ultimately shape up with Coco Crisp possibly being traded. All I know is that after Papelbon its Okajima and he needs to be better this year. If that is possible.
Manny Delcarmen (RP)
– Room for improvement, somewhat impressed with what you did last year, and if I expect more out of Okajima, well hell, I expect a hell of a lot more out of you.
– Delcarmen only pitched in 44 games ending his season with an ERA of 2.05 and pitched 44 innings of ball. In that span of time Delcarmen managed to earn 11 holds and will be the backup to Okajima when the Red Sox need a stopper before getting to Papelbon. Delcarmen had his ups and downs (control issues) during the season that is for sure, but was a key to the success of this year’s post season team.

Grade: B-

– The control was shaky in the beginning and got a shot due to injuries later in the season and pitched well after being called up, but now Delcarmen should be on the starting roster come opening day and has to prove why he belongs. Last season is last season and I expect Delcarmen to improve somewhat from last year. His innings need to go up and he has to be consistent. That is what I expect out of Delcarmen this year. He needs to be the un-sung hero in the bullpen.
Javier Lopez (RP)
– The lefty specialist, and the why doesn’t this guy get out lefties guy.
– Lefties hit .293 off of Lopez during the season while righties hit .176 and if your only job is to get out lefties and they hit .293 off of you while having an OBP of .366 and a SLG of .439 well you are not doing your job. And it also makes it easier to grade you.
Grade: C
– Lopez certainly had trouble against lefties but had a great beginning to the season for the Red Sox. Expectations are as follows: just get lefties out please! Honestly, drop the average that lefties hit off of you to .250 and I will be happy.
Those are the main-stays of the Boston Red Sox bullpen as Mike Timlin has not re-signed yet. My grade for him would be a B and sorry if there is some bias there guys if you feel that that is too high. He is one of my personal favorite players ever on the Boston Red Sox.
Get the hint that I like relievers.
Next up on Shawn’s Status Report for next Wednesday will be the infield.

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