Changes aplenty

If you haven’t noticed, we introduced a new feature here at Fire Brand called “Quick Posts” — now we’ll be able to update more easily here at Fire Brand should any of us feel the need to and not feel guilty about “pushing down” the column of the day. I’m hopeful that as we (the writers) get used to this, we’ll start publishing a lot more often. Quick posts will generally be kept to one or two paragraphs, mostly dealing with news, but any quick thoughts of opinion will also be used.
This is the first of many changes here at Fire Brand you will see over the coming months. Other things on deck include a new domain for Fire Brand ( isn’t catchy, but it’ll do), a Fire Brand-specific design, the ability to sign up for user accounts to leave comments (and nested ones at that!), easier ways for users to contribute and much more. This will be part of a wider MVN project that we expect will redefine the internet sports media landscape. Stay tuned.

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