TRIVIA: Missed opportunity

The previous trivia question asked who the only Red Sox player garnered 100+ RBI for the Sox while posting an OBP of under .300. Joe got the answer correct with Tony Armas, who posted a staggering .218/.254/.453 line with 36 HR and 107 RBI in 1982. He just missed doing it twice, posting a .268/.300/.531 line in 1984 with 123 RBI.
Look at that line for a second. .218/.254/.453. And not only was he a starter the entire year, he hit in the middle of the order. To put this in perspective: .241/.345/.434 is David Ortiz’s line this year. He’s way outproducing Armas.
This next trivia question is courtesy of Tom A, having won the Willamsburg trivia question. I edited it slightly to make it a bit tougher (he provided the date of the tryout). I also added my own bonus point question.

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