Red Sox make out like bandits in All-Star roster

So as we all know by now, the following Red Sox players will be on the All-Star roster, with an asterisk designating that the fans voted him in as starter:

  • J.D. Drew — Can’t quibble with this one.
  • Jonathan Papelbon — Makes sense.
  • Dustin Pedroia* — Okay, defensible. He has a clear edge over Ian Kinsler on defense and his recent torrid hitting streak puts him on similar offensive ground.
  • Manny Ramirez* — I don’t like this. Drew, Quentin, Sizemore all had better statistics. He got in on name value, but so did Derek Jeter, so whatever.
  • Kevin Youkilis* — He’s hitting the ball well and is a Gold Glove over Morneau. This is defensible.
  • Jason Varitek — … What? Come on, Tito. Way too much of a homer pick. I know that managers always have the right to these picks and lord knows Joe Torre made some serious head-scratches back when he had the right, but … be serious.

Also, no Sox starting pitchers made it, but mostly because most of the pitchers are relievers. Going too far.

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