What’s in store at Buckeye Battle Cry

Most of the time, the only people who really care about changes at a blog are a) the blog owner, and b) the most die-hard readers.

I’m the former, you are the latter, so here’s what is in store here at The BBC.

First of all, we’re going to be moving. Our new address will be www.thebuckeyebattlecry.com and it will be ready before the start of the season. It’s time to advance past this free blogging stuff, and even though I love the accessibility of blogger.com, it’s time to take ownership of my “hobby”.

One of the first things I’ll need for this new site is a cool logo, and my creative skills are limited. So if you’d like to provide any of your graphic design abilities, we can make it a contest. The top three entrants with a quality logo for the site will get a cool prize to be determined later (maybe a guest blogging spot, or some Buckeye apparel, but it’ll be a neat little prize).

Go look at the logos of my faves for good ideas…here’s MotSaG, Eleven Warriors, and Our Honor Defend. Not too elaborate, but very much Buckeye-specific.

You can e-mail me your work at jeffseemann at yahoo dot com

Next up, our new weekly feature. Every week, I’ll be going to a different location to watch Ohio State play. That night, I’ll post a review about the restaurant/bar/whatever and give a grade to the place. I’ll base my final grade on several features, including atmosphere, food, drinks, value, and whether or not the place caters to Buckeye fans (or did they just merely turn the TV to the right channel).

At the end of the season, we’ll select the best spot and we’ll throw a Buckeye bash there for the bowl game!

If you have suggestions on places for us to visit during games, let me know ASAP. I’m building a schedule right now. The location must be in the Canton or Akron area. Five of the 12 locations are already selected. The other seven are all up for grabs. The location will be randomly selected for each game.

Potential issue with the 12-week plan….I have tickets to see Ohio State-Illinois. We’ll adjust the plan if I go to that game (or if I sell the tix and go to the TTUN game instead).

Michigan State blog The Enlightened Spartan has done this before, and they did a fine job of it. We’ll go into much greater detail than they did, but it’s a nice idea and they did it well.

So there’s a brief glimpse into the future here. By the time our second anniversary rolls around, this place should be a much nicer blogging experience.


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