The Herbie Awards have arrived

Former Buckeye quarterback (and current top-10 reason for sterility in college-age women) Kirk Herbstreit has released his annual list of Herbies.

Face it, the guy’s so cool he gets his own awards list. Anyway, there’s a full list to be found on, but The BBC would like to cherry-pick a few awards and take it from there;

– Beanie Wells is listed as the Top Running Back. Damn right, he is. Knowshon Moreno, who has the stupidest name in college football this year, is a close second. Herbie gives a nice shout-out to Javon Ringer at MSU, which just proves he knows what he’s talking about.

– Best WR? Can’t argue with Michael Crabtree at Texas Tech. The guy is likely to get more yards per game than a lot of QBs will. Special note – Brian Robiskie is the highest-rated B10 WR.

– Travis Beckum gets his due at tight end, as he should. The biggest question is whether or not anybody will be able to throw it to him.

Tebow and Stafford at Georgia get top honors for various QB honors, and Todd Boeckman gets #2 in the “What a difference a year makes”. Not bad that they give awards for future improvement to a guy who got to the BCS title game…..

– Top honors go to Buckeyes in multiple categories, including OL, inside linebacker, outside linebacker, and cornerback. Yeah, true dat Herbie. True dat.

It isn’t until late in the awards presentation before I get a little bit peeved. Under “Coaches that will exceed expectations”, he’s listed Charlie Weis. Sorry to say it Herb, but Charlie Weis will ALWAYS live up to his expectations, because NOBODY ever faults him when his team sucks. He’s always considered a God, and he’s never done anything at ND. Until Irish fans get their heads out of their asses and stop blaming Ty Willingham for everything Charlie Weis can’t do, it’ll never end. Weis sucks, end of story.

The preceding paragraph was written without use of the words “heavy”, “fat”, or “gargantuan buffet-devouring man-boy”. I deserve props.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Herbie selected his “All-Uni Team — What A College Football Team Should Look Like”. 20 percent of the entire list wears scarlet and gray.

Damn right.

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