It’s official: Brady out for year

In lieu of a game thread (the game will be liveblogged later tonight…come join in the fun!), I thought I’d make mention of the sports story all over New England today.
I am saddened by this news. Those of you who read the comments know Sean O’s position on Tom Brady (hint: he’s happy he’s done), but I disagree with Sean even though he brings up a couple of salient points. There’s a reason he’s piled up the statistics and the rings and will end his career known as the greatest quarterback of all time. It’s a devastating blow, but with the weapons the Patriots have and Matt Cassell’s solid showing, I think the Patriots will make out fine. They won’t roll through the regular season like they would have, but they should at least make the playoffs.
For all intents and purposes, however, our vengeance Super Bowl Ring will have to wait another year.

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