Your Wednesday Night Linkage

Time to give you linkage now.

One of these days, I’ll have internet access at work again so I can give you these during the day, but in the meantime, I have to do links at night and provide you with news when I can. This is so silly, but Broadview Networks which is the worst phone company in the World continues to be incompetent. Today, I received a phone call instructing me to call in an “inside wiring request” so I can add my secondary line back on my phone. When I did, the person on the other end was confused and did not put in the request properly. Then I got another phone call telling me I had to rewire the office myself. I’m not a phone installer. After going back and forth, the person said he would tell the repair to put in the proper request. Now I don’t know if this is going to happen. I’m going on a week without internet access at work and this is just out of hand. Besides providing you with links, I also use the internet for business and clients cannot reach me until I get home. I want to thank Broadview for losing me thousands of dollars of business and being totally uncooperative. I will continue to pound the company here until my service is properly restored and then I will switch to another provider.

Enough of my rant. Now let’s do the links.

USA Today’s Michael Hiestand says live streaming of sports is now into the stratosphere.

The Los Angeles Daily News’ Tom Hoffarth previews Showtime’s Inside the NFL season premiere. Tom says former Denver Broncos QB John Elway is now a blogger.

The Baltimore Sun’s Ray Frager did not like CBS’ pimping of its new CBS Scene restaurant during the NFL Today.

Newsday’s Neil Best says NFL Commish Roger Goodell will take part in a live chat on Thursday. I wish I had internet access so I could live blog the event for you. Neil has Roger’s comments on Inside the NFL tonight. Neil has 1050 ESPN Radio host Michael Kay not expecting to pick up any ratings points on WFAN’s Mike Francesa. And Neil links to portions of Chris Russo’s talk with Howard Stern on Sirius Satellite Radio today. Bababooey to you all!

CNBC’s Darren Rovell notes that the Red Sox had the “richest” first pitch in history at Fenway Park on Tuesday.

I’ll stop there for now as I have to head out to run an errand, plus I wanted to get these up before Inside the NFL premiered on Showtime. I’ll give you a review of the show later tonight.

I will also give you more links later.

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