Halftime thoughts

Ohio State leads 14-10, and so far things are looking better than the lethargy we saw the last two weekends. Here’s some quick thoughts;

– Terrelle Pryor is ready. The game looks like it slows down for him and he has some unbelievable talent on display.

– Todd Boeckman might never see the field again. He has no desire and looks defeated. On a two-play series, Boeckman horribly underthrew everybody, and Pryor followed it up with a spin-scramble-dash pass that went for 20 yards. If Robiskie had stayed inbounds, that would have picked up a 3rd-and-16 conversion.

– Brian Robiskie reportedly stayed at Ohio State for his senior year. So far, there is no evidence that he still plays for the Buckeyes

– The coaching staff has only taken one chance at a non-vanilla play, Hartline’s reverse. Troy sniffed it out, but at least we tried it. Three more unconventional plays needed, coaches.

– Defense has been strong.  Bad tackling on one play, but a solid performance overall thus far.  Great interior pressure has kept Troy on their toes.

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