Big Ten Bloggers Roundtable – Jeopardy-style

Beauford Bixel of “The Only Game That Matters” is our host this week, and he decided to make our weekly Roundtable into a game of Celebrity Jeopardy (that is, if you think the BTBers are celebrities).

I’m a little late to the field, so let’s get started with the game!

1)  Jay Paterno and the Spread HD

“What is the only thing funnier than the words “Jay Paterno and the Spread VD?”

2)  Joe Tiller’s Mustache

“What is the next step in Purdue Kicker’s Chris Summers punishment scale?”

  • – Miss kick against Oregon, ride Joe Tiller’s Doghouse
  • – Miss kicks against Penn State, ride Joe Tiller’s bench
  • – Miss kicks against Ohio State, ride Joe Tiller’s mustache

3)  The Color Purple

What will the players be least likely to see when they look into the stands when Ohio State plays at Northwestern later this season?

4)  Brains

What will the fans be least likely to see when they look onto the sidelines during the Penn State-Michigan game later this year?

5)  Hawkeye State

What is the name of the new Supermax Prison/football dorm being built near Kinnick Stadium in 2009?

6)  Rudy

Noun, verb, 9/11

7)  Knee Ligaments

For karmic reasons only, I refuse to answer this question.  But I will say “Fuckbutter!” and “Suck It, Trebek”

8)  Terrelle Pryor

LeBron in Cleats, Lord and Savior, etc etc etc

9)  Mark May

Who is the current leader expected to challenge John Edward for “Biggest Douchebag In The Universe”?

10)  Rich Rodriguez

2011-2012 Head Coach, Auburn University

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