Big Ten Blogger Roundtable

It’s that time again! This week’s Big Ten Blogger Roundtable was designed by Nittany White-Out, so once the page dried from all the drool, we were able to read the questions and get crackin’.  Actually, the lil’ Lions asked some good questions, so they get a gold star and they get to have a chocolate milk (after they’ve handed out milks to the rest of the class).

And here we go…..

1. We’re approaching week 9 now, are you pleasantly surprised or already waiting for basketball season?

Hey, now.  This is Ohio State.  We are NEVER surprised by success in the Big Ten Football season, and we are ALWAYS excited for basketball season!

Actually, the horrific turns that took place in the first three weeks scared a lot of us.  Losing the Heisman frontrunner in Week 1, getting a scare thanks to a relaxed attitude in Week 2, and getting punished in Week 3…well, that was a lot to digest.  But the right changes have been made to the lineup and they are coming along as planned.  Considering the steady progress we have made since then, we’re back to being content.  We won’t be happy until we win this Saturday night, and we won’t be satisfied until we get that 12th win this January.

2. Describe one specific play from this season you would alter for a different outcome if you had the chance to.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit

3. How could it (#2) possibly impact the way your season is going?

Beanie’s injury had no effect (besides psychological) in Week 1, but Week2’s practice was constantly tempered by Beanie reports.  As a result, the team was unfocused and underprepared.  In Week 3, with a healthy Wells in the game, the Trojans would not have been able to key on Todd Boeckamn’s weaknesses as much.  They would have been forced to make Assignment #1 to stop Wells.  Because they were able to overload on Boeckman, it made for a completely different result.  Would it have made a difference?  Absolutely.

Even if Ohio State would have still lost on that day, it wouldn’t have been quite so bad, and our fall from the rankings would have been lessened.  I would say that we would be in the top 5 or 6 at this point with a closer game, and #1 with a win.  That one injury hurt us more than any other injury nationwide on any team.

4. Big Ten player you just can’t stand, why?

Mitch King, Iowa.  Overrated, arrogant, dirty, and a douchebag of the highest order.

5. Booing your own team (we’ve seen quite a lot of this across the Big Ten this season), your feelings on this.

My feeling is that if your team has REPEATEDLY underachieved, then I have no problem with booing.  Random mistakes, it’s uncalled for.  But in the case of Todd Boeckman, or the entire Michigan team, or the last four weeks of Wisconsin play…these are three instances where more was expected and less was delivered.  If Juice Williams has a bad day, cut the kid some slack, but repeated mistakes over a period of time, I feel that actually demands a show of disapproval.  Cheering at all costs (even when things are fucking up horribly) doesn’t make it better….it only makes you Republican.

Bonus Round

1. Number of beers or alcoholic drinks consumed by week 8 (or a good estimate)

During games – probably 20 (about 2.5 per game).

During, after, and between games – Yeah, I think this is me…..

2. Most annoying commercial seen this season

This is a GREAT commercial….until Paterno loses his ability to speak English midway through the spot, and then shits his pants at the end of the commercial. Becuase of that, it’s creepy and annoying.

3. Your prediction for the next coaching change in the Big Ten (Joe Tiller exempt)

Good question!  Let’s see…..

  • Indiana – safe, making adjustments after a tragedy, and Lynch has a small contract and the boosters behind him.
  • Illinois – Zook ain’t goin’ nowhere.
  • Michigan – Much is expected from RichRod, and he’s not going anywhere – you don’t pay that much for a guy and dump him after a season.
  • Michigan State – Dantonio is safe, he’s returned excitement to the field again.  And after John L. Smith, even 8-4 is considered heaven.
  • Minnesota – Dude might be named Coach Of The Year nationally.  I think he’s safe.
  • Northwestern – What, are you kidding?  Back-to-back bowl games makes for job security in Evanston.
  • Ohio State – Not even up for discussion.
  • Purdue – Tiller’s exempt

That leaves us with three possibilities;

  • Wisconsin – Bret Bielema is on the ropes.  In his third season and his team is playing worse than any Wisky team in recent memory.  Alvarez’ recruits are nearly gone and Bielema’s are underperforming (and BADLY).  He’s in trouble, but I don’t think he’ll be first to go.
  • Penn State – JoePa is near retirement.  a 13-0 National Championship would seal it and he’d go out on top.  He might go out anyway, though.
  • Iowa – Kirk Ferentz can’t control his players, and a 6-win season won’t be enough to save him much longer.  When you can’t control your own KID, you’ve got no discipline left in the locker room.  Yeah, he’s my choice.

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