It’s finally over

I pride myself on being a sports blog, but those of you who know my personal stories are aware that I am politically active and proud of it.  And not just politically active in the terms of attending a few meetings and watching The Daily Show….I am a man who received 101,811 votes for the office of United States Congressman.

I will not turn The BBC into anything more than sports, but I will give myself the freedom this once to discuss the happiness and relief I feel today.  After this posting, The BBC will return to 100% sports discussion.

The disaster known as the Bush Presidency is finally over.  Hallelujah.

This afternoon, at the very instant the clock struck Noon, Barack Obama became our nation’s 44th President.  A few moments later, the symbolic swearing-in ceremony was complete.

Gone are the days of childish behavior from our leaders, and full-blown lies that put us all in greater danger.  Gone are the days when grown men can selfishly re-write the laws to fit their own greed and ignore the ones they cannot change.  Gone are the days of of overblown hubris and the audacity to ban the publishing of photograph of the coffins carrying our fallen soldiers.

The adults are in charge again.  It’s time to go back into the world community and get our dignity back.  We have a lot of respect to reclaim, and we have the right people to do it.

We now have a President who is capable of the job.  Bush was a weak leader who was consistently overwhelmed by the job, his buffoonery only outpaced by his lack of concern for anyone not like him.  It’ll take at least a year or two to undo the economic damage he did alone, but thank God we have the right man and the right team to change America.

And if you don’t think Bush did such a bad job, think about this.

This country overwhelmingly thought that a black guy with a name that sounds kinda Muslim was better equipped to run the country than a Republican war hero.

That’s how badly the GOP has fucked things up.

Time to roll up our sleeves, there’s a lot of damage to clean up.

Story By The Buckeye Battle Cry

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