It begins today

First of all, I have to take a quick minute to mention what happened to The BBC this week.

I’m an idiot, that’s what happened.

I tried to upgrade our blog format, and when I uploaded everything to our server, it deleted several months worth of posts.  I spent hours trying to recover it, but my efforts were in vain.  However, we were able to recapture the opening couple of paragraphs of each missing post (and by “we”, I mean the brilliant minds at Bucks Insider….they have been accepting our feed for a long time, and they were gracious enough to give us an xml file with all our material.  All hail Bucks Insider!)


I first started The Buckeye Battle Cry because I was unable to sleep one night before a big Ohio State football game.  Yeah, that’s a true story.  It also is a prelude to how I know that the best Cavalier season in history is about to enter playoff mode….I couldn’t sleep last night, and I woke up way too early this morning.

Today at 3pm, the Cavs begin their playoff run.  16 more wins to go and they will give the city of Cleveland the world championship we have been thirsting for since 1964.

16 strong.  Thats what we need now.  But it starts with Game One.

And I couldn’tr be happier that we get to start our most promising playoff run against the Detroit Pistons, our mortal enemy.  These are the guys that have owned this division and this conference for a LONG time.  we took it back from them two years ago, but this year it will be a complete and full transition to Cleveland with a series win over Detroit.

I’ll be heading up to Cleveland for the game today, and writing a full review tonight.  But I’d like to leave you with a couple of memories.

These are from the last two times the Cavs and Pistons have met in the NBA Playoffs.  Enjoy.

Let’s Go Cavs! Make it five in a row over the Pistons in the postseason today!

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