The long wait is finally over

Tonight at 830, we can get back to business. The Cleveland Cavaliers will take the floor in the Eastern Conference Finals against Orlando, and it’s not a moment too soon.

In the last 24 days, the Cavaliers have only played four games, and the concern is that they are not battle-tested enough for Game 1. “Shake off the rust” has been an overused phrase on Cleveland talk shows (and Orlando, and Los Angeles, and the drunk tank where Charles Barkley resides on alternate Friday nights).

Yes, it’s a concern…will the Cavaliers be ready for Game One?

Frankly, I’m not worried at all, and you know this if you read The BBC. To me, Orlando has a much bigger concern on their hands….are they worn out from playing two long and harsh playoff rounds?

Here’s a quick look at the amount of minutes the starting 5 has logged so far this postseason;

Team/Player Position Minutes Minutes Position Team/Player

Cleveland Cavaliers

Orlando Magic

LeBron James SF 314 493 SF Hedo Turkoglu
Zydrunas Ilgauskas C 230 458 C Dwight Howard
Anderson Varejao PF 246 523 PF Rashard Lewis
Mo Williams PG 287 394 PG Rafer Alston
Delonte West SG 322 251 SG JJ Redick

Howard is only two minutes away from doubling the minutes that Z has played, but that’s the one matchup that doesn’t matter.  Z needs that rest and Dwight Howard does not.

As for the rest… you really think that 30-year-old Hedo Turkoglu is going to be able to handle LeBron James even if they were equally rested?  How about when the old man has played 3 and 3/4 more FULL games than the MVP?  That’s a whole lot of fatigue that’s about to set in for Turkoglu.

Also, the young and energetic Varejao has seen LESS than half of the court time as Rashard Lewis.  Tired legs are gonna get ya.

Yes, it’ll be a war early on and I expect to see a close game….but when the 4th quarter is on and old man Turkoglu is weary, he is NOT going to be able to handle LeBron.  If the game is close, there’s going to be a lot of late fouling, with the hopes of keeping James out of the paint and on the free-throw line.

Should be fun.

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