Inside The Q after the shot

I actually forgot I had videotaped this.  In all the excitement, my mind was racing and I somehow got my camera out to record the scene at Quicken Loans Arena after LeBron hit his game-winning three-pointer.

Something that people at home might not know…..the basket wasn’t declared official for about two minutes after it went through the rim.  While the Cavs were celebrating, the referees went to the scorer’s table and were immediately surrounded by people.  They checked the video to see if it was a good basket, and there were many coaches and players jostling for position to see the video screen.

For about 60 seconds, there was a mass of movement, and then everybody got still for a second.  Two of the Cavs players jumped in the air and raised their arms, and the crowd erupted again.  The basket was declared good.

Mo Williams took the P.A. microphone and addressed the crowd, clearly emotional from the big win.  While my video doesn’t capture any clear sound of Mo, it’s a moment that I’m glad I captured.

One note on the video….notice that the scoreboard still reads 95-93 when Mo gets the mike.  The scoreboard operator hadn’t yet changed the score (even though the board also flashes the “CAVS WIN” logo).

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did;

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