Symbolism completely escapes Michigan fans

I’ve gotta admit, I’ve been on a bit of a tear against Michigan fans lately.  I feel a bit guilty about it. Screw them, here’s more.

Today, MGoBlog posted a story about an old van painted to look like a Michigan helmet, that has been autographed by dozens of the greatest Michigan players/coaches you could ever hope to assemble.  Judging by the looks of it, these autographs have been compiled over a span of at least two decades.

Bo Schembechler’s autograph is on this van.  So is Lloyd Carr.  Anthony Carter.  Jim Harbaugh.  Mike Leach.  TONS more.  Here’s a picture;

M van 2Apparently, the van had been on sale for as little as 2500 dollars recently, but had no buyers.

It’s gone unsold for a long time, and there are still no buyers.  I’m completely shocked by this story.  If this were a van painted like a Buckeye helmet and it had the autographs of Woody Hayes, Archie Griffin, and even HALF the numbers of players on it, it would already have been sold for at least 10 grand.  The damn thing could have no engine in it, and it’s still going to bring in 5 figures.

I’m baffled as to why it’s still unsold.  Even as a diehard Buckeye fan, I must admit – that van is pretty damn cool.

But the symbolism of the whole thing has escaped our friends in the Michigan blogosphere.

This is a picture of the aforementioned van, as it stands today – M van 3

Yes, that’s right – the wheels have come off.

And NOBODY up there sees the delicious irony in that???  Art imitating life, anybody????

To close it off, MGoBlog asks the following;

I don’t know what you do with a junked, wheel-less rusting old heap of bolts but if there’s anyone out there who can rescue this thing from its ignominious fate, my conscience would be indebted to you.

Ummmm, Brian?  Isn’t that what you hired Rich Rodriquez to do?  Rescue a junked, wheel-less rusting old heap of bolts?

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