Day #7 is brought to you by the letter “G”

Just think about it….one week from today we will be basking in the goodness that is The. Ohio. State. University. Football. Team.

Day #7 is brought to you by the letter “G”.

Ginn, Ted Jr.

The single greatest photo ever taken.  Period.
The single greatest photo ever taken. Period.

Gamble, Chris

The photo that pisses off an entire region of the United States.  Scoreboard.
The photo that pisses off an entire region of the United States.

Germaine, Joe

One of those "slow white guys" that John Cooper inherited....errrr, recruited.
One of those "slow white guys" that John Cooper inherited....ummmm, recruited.

Galloway, Joey

7 - Galloway

Greene, Cornelius

Even before the world was in color, we still bled scarlet
...and he still found time to host "Soul Train"

That’s a lot of guys wearing number 7 that played for Ohio State whose names started with the letter “G”.

And we didn’t even include 1980’s-era player Denman Gordon…..

Two players with those matching characteristics would be a mere coincidence.

Three players is strange.

Four players makes it interesting.

Five players makes it scary.

Six players proves the theory…….God is a Buckeye and he wears #7.

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