What Do You Want To See On Saturday? – Minnesota edition

Once again,. we tackle the question – what are the most important aspects of the Buckeyes’ game that we MUST see in order to be successful against Minnesota on Saturday?

Jeff at The BBC

Ohio State playing traditional Ohio State football – The offense has, to put it lightly, sucked ass the past two weeks.  There’s no magic cure for it, but one thing is certain – against Minnesota, we simply need to perform like Ohio State normally performs.  Minnesota’s offense is ranked 11th in the Big Ten (114th nationally), and the Gopher defense is ranked 10th in the conference (92nd nationally).  This is a team that we should be able to stomp, and if the Buckeyes are as mad as they should be, this will not be a week for Minnesota to improve their standing.

8 different players with a reception – I’m not content with us merely winning.  I want to see the entire game plan unfold to perfection, and one way to see that happen is to spread the receptions out.  I don’t care if it means two TEs and two FBs get catches, make it happen.  Hell, if you’re feeling squirrely, send Posey on a sweep and have him throw it back to Pryor.

Two players with 20+ carries – In order to make this happen, we will HAVE to do two things – 1) spread it around, and 2) sustain drives.  Last week, our longest drive of the game until late was 2:25.  That’s good if we were scoring like Miami in the 80s, but not so good when we end up with turnovers and punts.

You, again – Since The Buckeye Battle Cry began our weekly live chats, they have grown every week.  Against Navy, we had 42 people either comment or lurk.  Against Purdue, that number grew to 305.  It’s a lot of fun, and you’re welcome to joing the fun.  Just be here on this site anytime after 1130am Saturday and start commenting!


A win –  Right now, I have so little confidence in our offense to get their job done that this is the only thing I can come up with.  ….Oh, right, and…

More Hurt Coleman Punishment –  He’s the only part of the team I’m excited about seeing right now (I know, Brian Rolle, but what has he done for us lately?).  Of course, if the ref’s screw him over again, he might actually earn that suspension he got when the heads of the officials adorn the walls of Ohio Stadium.  Something to look forward to, right?


I’m going to keep it really simple this week. After last week, I don’t even feel like specifying specific things that I want to see.

1. Offense – I want to see us move the ball down the field and score points.

2. Defense – I want to see our defense get pressure on the quarterback, stop the run game, and get some turnovers.

It’s that simple. This week is gut check time for the Buckeyes. Just play football and win.


No. False. Start. Penalties. – Maybe if it put it first it will come true.

“Fun” TP – Seriously, son… relax!

Zoom – I was one of the many wondering why, if Saine was getting yardage, we went away from him in The Game That Did Not Happen (part deux). This week, I’d love to see so much running against the Big T1e1n’s worst rush defense that Woody raises from his grave and says “Ummm… Jim? You know you can throw the ball, right?”

Return To Nastiness – Sure the Gophers are gonna’ get yardage. Let’s make sure that if/when they do, they are “welcomed” in ways that make their momma’s hurt.

Gopher Carnage The Buckeyes have something to prove in front of the alumni and students and freaking world (Ok, so that’s hyperbole. Folks in Addis Ababa don’t start caring until The Game). Something like this:

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