By Comparison….Illinois is now 2-6, LOL

Ohio State 30, Illinois 0

Illinois 38, Michigan 13

Take a moment to laugh. I am.

Now, let’s look at what MGoBlog had to say about the Illinois-Michigan game before it started….

Awwww, hamburgers. But for this section, at least, that’s good news: Illinois is flat terrible and is going up against a running offense considerably better than those of certain teams that have crushed them. Michigan should average at least five yards a carry; the Denard Robinson Experience should be extremely effective; I want Michigan to run the ball on 80% of first downs until such point as it’s obvious that’s not a good idea or it’s time to screw around.

Illinois allowed Michigan to rush for 113 yards on 46 carries.  That’s 2.6 yards per carry.  Illinois is flat terrible, huh???  What does that make you, Brian?

By the way….”the Denard Robinson experience”???  Seriously?  Oh, and he had 7 passing yards and negative-6 rushing yards.  What an experience!

Finally, opportunities for me to look stupid Sunday:

  • Denard goes for 100 yards.
  • Michigan has a positive turnover margin.
  • The safety play burns Michigan.
  • Michigan 28, Illinois 17

As if you needed us to help make you look stupid, Brian….

  • Denard went for 1 yard.
  • Michigan lost the turnover battle 3-0
  • The safety play ALWAYS burns Michigan.  You have no safeties.
  • Michigan 13, Illinois 38

By the way, I’m still laughing.

One last note of interest….Michigan went the ENTIRE MONTH of October without beating a Division 1 school.

You have Purdue, Wisconsin, and Ohio State left, and you’re 5-4.  Lose to Purdue, and you’ll extend your bowl-less season streak to two.

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