Self Flagellation- Michigan Addition

Quick update- the University of Michigan has released it’s decision regarding self-imposed sanctions for it’s football program this morning, including a request for two years probation, a loss of quality control staffing, and a letter of reprimand for coaches, including Coach Rodriguez.

Details are here, Coach Rodriguez’ response is here.

More reflection, commentary, and schadenfreude forthcoming.

UPDATE: For the record, my usage of the analogy was the first posted, although having the same brainwaves as the amazing Spencer Hall makes me all kinds of warm and fuzzy.

Deadspin’s take:

Let’s recap: Michigan is accused of exceeding the limit on the number of coaches, and of exceeding the limit on practice time. Their punishment? Practice less, and fire the extra coaches.

Yes, their response to their admitted NCAA violations is to basically say “we won’t do it any more.” Um, that’s not punishing yourself. That’s just them stopping cheating.

Meanwhile, out in my neck of the woods- Nothing. At all. Yawn.


Update #2 – Michigan has added a count to their self-imposed punishment. They have agreed to have no players show up on Phil Steele’s Preseason All-Big Ten list.

They do, however, have two players on the second-team All-Conference list, Steven Schilling at OG, and Darryl Stonum at kick returner.

Stonum will show the league that he earned that second-team listing, because he’s going to be returning a LOT of kicks this year (see what I did there).

The other second-teamer, Schilling….guess who is the first-team All-Big Ten player at his position?  Justin Boren.

Let’s all point and laugh now.

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