Theo here for 3; Yanks will be busy

Theo Epstein has reportedly signed for three additional years, guaranteeing him at the helm of the Red Sox through 2011.

Two interesting Yankee tidbits come today, via Jon Heyman and Joel Sherman. Heyman contends that the Yankees might explore trading Robinson Cano, a thought they have explored before. Last year, Brian Cashman asked Joe Torre if he should move Cano for Orlando Hudson. They may still do that by moving Cano and signing Hudson as a free agent.

Sherman has the Yankees waving goodbye to Jason Giambi and Bobby Abreu, which would position them to bid for Mark Teixeira. They may prefer to throw their dollars at CC Sabathia and dangle Cano along with Phil Hughes for Prince Fielder, who the Brewers are expected to look into moving before he gets too expensive. The Brewers could then turn around and ship Rickie Weeks out for a first baseman to replace Fielder (Garrett Atkins?). Just thinking out loud here.

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