Plugging In To tBBC

Plugging In To tBBCAs much fun as the shenanigans and hilarity is hereabouts, it’s never been just about us. The gang works hard to bring you the news and important commentary, but it’s a lot more interesting  when you all jump into the mix. As such, we’ve got a couple of ways for you to get more involved.

Comments; Don’t just read; react and respond! Let us know your thoughts; even if they’re way off base, they can’t be any more random than what we come up with.  Be sure you check out our guidelines, and dive right in.

Live-chats: On Saturdays, if you can’t be at The ‘Shoe, you should be here chatting with other Buckeye fans from across the globe.  Is it odd to watch a game with a laptop? Sure, but it’s not like you wanted to talk to your family anyway… Plus, aren’t we family?

Plugging In To tBBC

Pick-em: Eric told you about this, but there’s still time to join in tBBC’s College Pick-em group. Go here (Ye Olde Picks Group), choose group 5926, and enter the password (kurtcoleman). It’s one thing to say Mark May is an idiot, and another to prove it week in and week out with your incredible intelligence. Did we mention there’s a prize? We didn’t? Probably because we’re still working on that… but it’s the goal.

The Game: As we mentioned earlier this week, we’re looking for amazing stories about your experiences watching Ohio State and Michigan for publication in a national magazine.  Take a second and shoot us an email at thebuckeyebattlecry (at) Who says the internet can’t make you famous?

Facebook: Are you one of our friends? If not, and if we don’t owe you money, hit us up: tBBC’s Facebook Page. While you’re there, join our group of grumpy old men yelling at kids to get off our yard: Keep THE GAME The Same.

Plugging In To tBBCTwitter: We’re sending out tweets and toots and twits about the goin’s on here about. Follow us into the abyss: tBBC Twitter

If knowing is half the battle, then we’re at least a quarter way there. Get involved and help us help you.

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