The Week That Were- 9.11.10

Once again, it’s time for a quick tour de farce around the week in college football. You know, in case you don’t have ESPN and this is the only website you read (as it should be). Today’s musical accompaniment: This amazing cover. Good luck getting it out of your head during the TPS meeting.

The Week That Were- 9.11.10
So much for strength of schedule

James Madison, welcome to the BCS championship game!  Wait, you have to do something more than beat Virginia Tech? Since when?

Quick comment on the Miami game- I like Randy Shannon, and gained a lot of respect for Jacory Harris as a person during the game (as a QB? Nope). Just thought I’d put that out there, since there seems to be a conspicuous absence of the Miami fans that were so prevalent last week in our little corner of the interwebs.

So, the ACC is back to being a basketball conference, right? This week, all of their ranked squadrons went down, including the JMU upset mentioned earlier and The “Rambling Wreck” falling to a team that only scored three points in their loss to North Dakota State.  You want to fix the BCS? One could argue for taking away the ACC’s automatic bid and making them split it with the Big lEast, and then make the MWC and WAC fight over the other one. Problem solved.

That running back that Michigan lets throw the ball is pretty good.  Of course, their opponent wasn’t called Notre Ame for nothing… It would be interesting to see how the game would be different with Irish starting QB Crist in for the entire game, especially given what we’ve seen from the Wolverine defense.

Some things you might not read on MGoBlog- TTUN was 3-16 on third downs, and gave up 540 offense against a team that didn’t have their starting QB for a good portion of the game (ND averaged around 7 yards per snap). In addition, 500+ yards of offense for Mich1gAAn only led to a need for a come from behind victory and 28 points.

Will DRob befall the same fate that the last great “Heisman lock” QB did for the Wolverines? You know, last year, when they defeated Notre Dame with a come from behind victory and discovered their savior behind center? Personally, I’m looking forward to Shoelaces meeting Misters Simon, Heyward, and Moeller.

Speaking of Michigan, it is good to see the MZone back in business… The ability to not take things too seriously is the hallmark of maturity, and these guys have it in spades. They’re completely wrong in their allegiances, of course, but a lot more enjoyable to read than some folks we know.

What’s scary about Oklahoma is that they’re running a high powered offensive “system” with Oklahoma caliber athletes, as Florida State found out in a big way on Saturday. That’s different than what we’ve seen other places, where they continue to recruit as if they were at their former institution. You know, places that need to have open tryouts at the beginning of the season?

WE ARE… the best 0-2 team in the nation (and I count Virginia Tech with that). Marshall got hammered one week and hosed the next by “friendly” Big lEast officials on Thursday night.

Nebraska won.  Happiness abounds. Runzas for everyone.

Good to see Air Force with a big win, especially given the date. Would have been nice to see Army get one as well, but Hawaii hates America, obviously.

Speaking of people I like, Mark Richt is on a very hot seat these days and losing to “The Old Ballcoach Who’s Mostly Just Old” certainly won’t help. The Cocks seem to have found a running game, which may make the race for the East pretty interesting. Especially if Florida keeps struggling on offense this season.

The Week That Were- 9.11.10
Who’s got the SEC Speed, the cop or the fan?

Missed hearing the SEC! SEC! chants at the Oregon/Tennessee game, didn’t you? Must have been subdued by both the score and by the other news of the day in Knoxville. Speaking of places with basketball problems, I’m sure Big Blue Nation were appeased when Joker hung a basketball score on WKU.

Alabama is going to be ridiculously scary when Ingram gets healthy. Penn State got a moral victory- played well in a loss against a really talented opponent. Good moment at the beginning of the game, when Joe Pa and Bobby Bowden and Coach Saban were together at midfield.  Unfortunately, the one coach of that trio that I’d most like to see away from college sidelines is the one who’s going to be the last one standing. Unless he jumps ship to go back to the pros… we’ll have to wait to hear from his agent.

Minnesota. What the freak? The only thing that you had going for you in this game is that you weren’t in a dome… so the sun was warm on your backs. That’s always nice. Ricky Stanzi got to keep his trophy, also nice.

Remember when USC used to blow out teams like Virginia?  Remember when Stanford sucked? Yup, the wacky wacky PAC 10… Good to see Washington get a win, even if it was against Syracuse. Again, Jim Delaney- tell me you were taking notes… the “Orange” would help the conference how?

This week’s “I wish I had video of it” play UPDATE: Found it-

Oklahoma State fumbled away the ball while in the “victory formation”, due to their QB’s damaged thumb. On the subsequent play, they got the ball back when Troy returned the favor and fumbled in the face of a TBPU jailbreak blitz. The Cowboys resumed the “victory formation”, this time from the shotgun.

ODU fell to Northwoods. Sorry, Rob- hope we didn’t jinx it…

This week, there are only a couple of marquee matchups to pay particular attention to. The Gators travel to Knoxville for what used to be a heated rivarly game.  My friends/family plan gets all screwy when Nebraska and Washington square off.  Air Force and Oklahoma try to make scoreboard operators go insane, and Iowa travels to Arizona for their big out of conference match up.

With that, we begin to prepare for the Fighting Solichs… in the meantime, here’s your random video of the morning. If pressed, I’d say that this reminded me of the Hurricane that was supposed to hit the Shoe last Saturday- when you look at it, it really wasn’t all that big:

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