What do you want to see on Saturday? Indiana

What do you want to see on Saturday? Indiana
Is a beautiful autumn day in the 'Shoe too much to ask for?

We’re back again for our weekly write-up of what we want to see from the Buckeyes each Saturday.

As a bonus to kick things off, I will throw in something I want to see: nice weather. No wind, no rain, let’s have some weather that doesn’t limit Ohio State’s offensive game plan please.

The down side to this wish is that bad weather might seriously hinder Indiana’s passing attack, which would be good, but I am confident the Silver Bullets can handle that without any help.

Weather aside, here is what everyone wants to see from the team.


  • Ben Chappell held to under 200 yards passing- He’s one of the more dangerous passers in the Big Ten, and holding him to under half what he got against Michigan will go a long way towards reminding people of the difference between a real ranked team and a temporary one.
  • A RB with 100+ yards- Boom Herron started the running game resurgence, and it’s time to continue that.  I could care less if it’s Boom, Zoom, Berry, Hall, Hyde, whoever.  Just turn ’em loose.
  • #100- I don’t think we’re in danger, but I want to witness Jim Tressel’s 100th win at Ohio State.


  • No False Starts– Sure, why not?
  • Offensive Line Dominance- Questions abound; do they take them to heart and make themselves better, or do we get more of the same?
  • Healthy Pryor– Line takes care of business, backs make their plays, receivers catch when they’re given the chance and Ohio State doesn’t need a QB to run.
  • Touchdown Zach– Kid got his first score ever against the Hoosiers, here’s to number two.
  • Defensive excellence– Indiana’s passing game has greatly improved, and the Buckeyes are banged up in the secondary. It will be great to see them rise to the occasion.
  • Big Hits- The kind that makes everyone go “OOOohhhh!” Has Cam gotten his sack yet? Will it be Bryant announcing his presence with authority?
  • Big C- As in “Roman Numeral for One Hundred”. The man has been nothing but consistent… let’s get this big number for him.


  • Jordan Hall- I’ve got a feeling this is the week that he sees the field in meaningful time
  • More Christian Bryant- He is fun to watch, looks like a young Antoine Winfield
  • Responding to a little bit of adversity- How will the team react to the close game last week?
  • No injuries- Of course, and win the turnover battle.


  • A balanced attack on offense- Deploy all weapons.
  • Domination in special teams- Both in kick coverage and in opening up holes for strong returns.
  • Confidence- Not arrogance.  Not even swagger really.  Just a complete and total belief exuding out of every Ohio State player that we own the field.  Or is that swagger?


  • The Return of Jake Stoneburner– Fragel Rock is good, but Stoneburner is better.  Our offense is tremendously different without him.
  • Terrelle Pryor unhampered by injury- He may be injured, but hopefully that doesn’t slow him down too much.  It would be nice to see his usual self out there despite the quad.
  • Control of the IU passing game- They’re good…very good…in the passing game.  I’d like to see them held below their season average.
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