Hitting the reload button

Hitting the reload button
Home sweet home.

Remember all of those things I wrote about establishing momentum early on the road and how important that would be? Going down 21-0 is not doing that. The Buckeyes fought back and made it a game… before getting steamrolled in the fourth quarter.

That is all I am going to say about the game itself. And honestly, that is all I want to say about the game.

Maybe it makes me a bad fan, and it certainly makes me a bad blogger, but I can’t bring myself to even think about a loss, much less break it down in depth. Months of pre-season hope and anticipation are gone now, and I personally have to readjust and reload my entire perspective on the season.

I won’t be watching ESPN this week. I won’t be reading much about college football online. It’s like the middle of the worst part of a self imposed summer and there is no football to talk about. Luckily, my football isolation will only last several days rather than several months. The Buckeyes will take the field again next Saturday and with a victory everything will be right with the world.

What’s that you say? Ohio State can still win a share of the Big Ten title (with a little help)? We can still go to a BCS bowl game? We might jump back to the top of the polls given some 2007 style craziness? That is all fine and good, but it all starts this weekend with a W for the Buckeyes, and until that W, I will be on football lock down.

My mind has hit the reload button. All of my hopes for this team start over, and they start this weekend. It is time to rebuild the season one week at a time. Purdue and Minnesota are winnable games, but this team has to respond a little bit better than I do to make that happen (luckily, it doesn’t take much for that, hell, I don’t even feel like digging up a picture to put in this article).

If the team responds with fire and aggression and wins in a dominating fashion this week (and the next week, and the next week), the season will get a nice kick start and my expectations and hope will start to build. Until that time… well, I honestly don’t know what I will be doing, anyone read any good books lately?.

I will see you all this weekend (well, maybe I will see you on Wednesday for the game preview, but it most likely will be short and sweet, something along the lines of: Purdue not good, Ohio State good, win or else), until then, Go Bucks!

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