Silver Bullet Points Goes Lion Hunting

Silver Bullet Points Goes Lion Hunting
Big game hunting

Short press conference today, including Coach Tressel being honored by the National Guard.

Buckeye 411

  • Injury Report- Bell and Homan, locked and loaded for this weekend.
  • Tress Talk– On Penn State’s focus

Well, the thing that’s made Penn State good over the years is they’re so steady. They’re never going to be too high and they’re never going to be too low. When it’s 21-0, they’re not going to fold the tent. That’s just not how they’re made. When they end the game winning 35-21, they’re not going to say, hey, we have arrived and we’re now the new kings of college football. They’re going to go to work and get ready for Ohio State, and within the course of our game, they’ll never get too high or never get too low and it will be one of those, you’re going to have to play 60 minutes to compete with them.

  • Award Winners- Since we covered the Minnesota game earlier, and the only awards won during the bye week were on Madden, let’s look ahead a bit. Congratulations to Terrelle Pryor on his semi-finalist status for the Maxwell Award, and to Chimdi Chekwa for being named a semi-finalist for the Bednarik trophy. Coach Tressel is also a semifinalist for the Paterno Coach of the Year award. Savor the irony.
  • Tweet of the Week– We know the Buckeyes are going to be good this year, but imagine if…. (Note: you should imagine hard, ’cause it ain’t happening)
  • Tress Talk, The Sequel- Jimmah!!

REPORTER: Because you are his peer, I’ve heard him refer to you as Little Jimmy on more than one occasion. How do you take that?

COACH TRESSEL: You know, I’m starting to like it more and more. When you’re young you don’t like it, when you’re old you start liking it, someone thinks I’m Little Jimmy. It’s been a special relationship with him in that I did have a chance to visit with him when I was aspiring to become a coach and I was one of those kind of guys, I didn’t end up being with him, but I ended up staying in touch with him, and then all of a sudden when I became a head coach just three hours down the road from him, we had a chance to interact a little bit more and connect in different ways and so now coaching with him for 10 years, you know, in the same Big Ten meetings and so forth, it’s really spanned quite a distance, but I’m sure he looks at me no different than — there have been times he’s called me Lee, so —

  • Thoughts and Prayers- Former QB Coach Joe Daniels, recovering in the hospital from an undisclosed injury.
  • Tressel’s Komedy Klassic- Veteran’s Day on his mind,

Give me no turnovers or give me death. That’s the way we paraphrase Patrick Henry.

Silver Bullet Points Goes Lion HuntingElsewheres

Silver Bullet Points Goes Lion Hunting
Picking out a winner
  • When It Rains, Etc.- Now word is that Heisman front runner Cam Newton may have had academic integrity issues while at Florida. I’m guessing it wasn’t in an Ethics class…
  • What I Want To Know Is- Who leaked the information, and violated Cam’s FERPA rights? Since I roll in the realm of Higher Ed, I can tell you that this is something that is highly frowned upon; it will be interesting to see if anyone at the respective media organizations or educational institutions are held accountable.
  • This Week In The Freek- Of course LSU Freek has something for the win over Alabama:
Silver Bullet Points Goes Lion Hunting
Rough morning
  • Shoutout- Sometimes this gig brings you a bucket of fun in the old inbox. Like this, from Columbus’ version of Dude Perfect

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