Tate Forcier has left the building

Tate Forcier has left the building
Someone was feeling fabulous that day

It’s now official. In a press statement released today, Tate Forcier has chosen to transfer from the University of Michigan.

I am proud to have been part of Michigan Football history and will always cherish the memory. The last few weeks I worked extremely hard to catch back up. I really wanted to stay. I was not giving up on Michigan, but in the end, it was made clear they had given up on me.

The entire press release is riddled with wonderful quotes worthy of spending hours analyzing.  But to take a shot at Michigan for “giving up on him”, whether true or not, seems like the sort of classless gesture we’ve come to expect from the former Heisman Trophy pretender.

I have to admit, it’s really tough to see him go. We’ve enjoyed watching him muddle through all of his trials and tribulations. How many players could give us wonderfully humorous memories like these?

Tate Forcier has left the building

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rKrmNA3OvY&w=480&h=390]

We’ll miss you Mr. Five-cier. We hope you land on your feet somewhere, but if you don’t, we all know that it was somebody else’s fault.

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