2010 Senior Video Provides Deeper Perspective

I rarely say that something’s a “must do” for Buckeye Fans, but this telling you to watch this video is about as close as I could come.

In a time where it’s easy to focus on the negative swirling around the WHAC, it’s also important to remember the impact that Ohio State athletics (and particularly football) has on the people who are a part of the Buckeye family.

This video, shown to the team on Friday night prior to this year’s win over Michigan, honors each of the seniors and calls them to remember the legacy that they are a part of. Just watch:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRpUn0dttXI?rel=0&w=560&h=349]

I’ve got to be honest… when the Chekwa family and Mrs. Heyward were talking, it got really dusty at my house.

To hear parents talk about how their sons have grown as a part of the program, to hear Dr. Csuri share with the player about the history that they’re a part of, to listen to family members praise the coaches’ sacrifice and dedication, and to be reminded that The Game is the culmination of a season and a career… those are amazing things.

The final quote- “It’s not necessarily how we start, it’s how we finish” couldn’t be more timely. The Ohio State University is bigger than any one situation, any one set of circumstances.

It’s a great day to be a Buckeye.

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