Excellence Amidst Tragedy

If you’ve got some time this weekend (when you’re not making macrame potholders or macaroni pictures for mother’s day- so what if I’m over 40… don’t you judge me), you should take a trip to Tuscaloosa via the great work that Vico has done over at Our Honor Defend.

There, he recounts his experience through the storm and as a part of the recovery; the good, the bad, and the unfortunate that our neighbors in another state are dealing with on a daily basis. As someone who’s survived incidents no where near the magnitude of the Tuscaloosa Tornado (look, some people count on their daily Diet Coke being a certain temperature), I’m thankful that a) he survived and b) he’s reminded us that this needs our attention.

Given that the news cycle has shifted to other things (Operation Osama, Mississippi flooding), it’s inappropriate for us to let our collective ADD shove these survivors to the back of our subconscious.

With that, there are ways to get involved.  Vico recommends the Salvation Army and Samaritan’s Purse; my experience with World Vision is such that I’m confident recommending them to you as well.

We call ourselves “Buckeye Nation”, and rightfully so.  My hope is that we can respond with as much passion when people are in need as we do during Script Ohio.

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