tBBC Playlist: Buckeyes Got Talent

We interrupt your regularly scheduled dose of self immolation and national schadenfreude so you can enjoy some good news from Columbus.

On May 10th, the Ohio State Athletic department hosted the 5th annual “Buckeyes Got Talent” competition, and raised over $11,000 for the Boys and Girls Clubs.

What does this have to do with football? Perhaps Evan Blankenship can answer that for you…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-2Ck5h3RJ8?rel=0&w=500&h=314]

He finished third (third!?!?) behind the fencing club’s Michael Jackson review, although Mark Titus said that the competition was over once he heard Evan sing.

Happy Friday… would it have killed him to do a little Mumford and Sons?

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