Silver Bullet Points Misfires

Silver Bullet Points Misfires

A quick update of sorts:  Sorry for the sketchy coverage over the past few days; we’re having an ongoing debate with the owners of the intertubes.

Actually, we’ve got a couple of big things we’re working on that should make your Buckeye experience a lot more enjoyable. Thanks for being patient with us…

Here’s the first announcement– tBBC is growing yet again, with another great member of the team. Wrapping up our “all J starting lineup” for this year’s Buckeye hoops tournament, we welcome Joe Dexter to the squadron. Formerly lead editor for Scarlet and Game, Joe brings a background in journalism that will certainly be welcomed here amongst us amateurs. Check the rest of his info in the “About Us” section, and look for an article from him tomorrow (if the server gods deem it so).

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