And We Have A Winner: Time & Change Contest

Two weeks later, and we’ve decided on a winner for our “Name the Ohio State Offense” competition. We had a lot of great entries, and our staff had a difficult time deciding with a ton of different opinions.

  • Jim’s “Tresselball 2.0” and Jeff’s “Hammer and Fickell” were strong contenders, but out of the running due to obvious conflicts of interest.
  • In the “Use a player’s name” bracket, “Release The Braxton” and “Rod Smith’s Train of Pain” were ones that we’ll be able to revisit in the future, I think.
  • Honoring the past- “The Young And The Vest-less” and “Woody’s Fist”
  • The “Talladega Nights” category- “Ground and Pound”, “Slice n Dice”, and “Pound and Fury”
  • Lots of colorful ideas: “Silver Shields”, “Red Gorillas”, “Silver Movers”
  • The “nominated after the deadline” winners- “Shock And Offense” and “Miller’s Time”
  • Getting musical– “Three Yards and a Trail of Dead”
  • Receiving votes from the guys connected to the team- “Organized Chaos”
  • More colors- “Scarlet Bullets”, “Scarlet Burn”, “Scarlet Armament”, “Scarlet Infantry”, and “Frankly, Scarlett…” (Ok, kidding on the last one…)

And the winner is… on a continuation of that theme:

Scarlet Assassins

And We Have A Winner: Time & Change      Contest
You've been targeted... abandon all hope

Men of action, unexpected, disciplined, powerful, they hit where you don’t expect it and have moved past you before you even are aware what has happened.  They are a team working together toward one goal and one purpose, waiting for the opportunity to be the “next man up. It defiinitely fits what we’ve been hearing from practice thus far.

Congrats to Dave; check your email for information about your award… we look forward to reading your guest post in the near future.

Again, a huge “thank you” to our partners at Time and Change Clothiers, and to everyone who participated. Check out our next competition, beginning tomorrow afternoon.

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