Post Game Notables

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Felt good to get back out there today. Trying to get better every dayless than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone Post Game Notables Favorite Post Game Notables Retweet Post Game Notables Reply

It was a very successful afternoon in Columbus to open the season for the Buckeyes, who defeated the Akron Zips 46-0. After playing shutdown defense and exploding on the other side of the ball, there is a lot to take from the first victory of the season. Here are your Notables from after the game on Saturday.

Notable Player Quotes


QB Joe Bauserman –

On his performance throughout the game

“It felt good to get out there and get good timing and get comfortable with the seniors and offensive line. I tried to lead the best I could. It’s something I’ve always dreamed about.  It felt good but now I’ll watch film and critique it and move on.”

On sharing playing time with Braxton Miller

“It was good for both Braxton and I to get out there. Braxton came in and did well and moved the ball. We both were focused. Now it’s time to watch the film and prepare for Toledo.”

LB Andrew Sweat –

On how the team played in week 1

“The coaches put us in a great position to perform well. We don’t have a lot of big names like past years, but we have a lot of younger guys that are ready to step up. It came down to base fundamentals and we executed.”

How did Coach Fickell act in his first game as head coach?

“Coach Fickell was the same to me. He is a great leader overall. I think he parlayed his coaching into the offensive side of the ball like he had the defensive side. Everyone on the team knew he was going to be a head coach someday. It was just a matter of when. I think he’s done a great job already in getting us ready.”

TE Jake Stoneburner

On his very successful day in the passing game

“It was partly the play calling and partly natural athletic ability. I have a lot of confidence and a good relationship with Joe [Bauserman]. Today we were able to connect a few times.”

DB Dominic Clarke

On Getting the Start this Week

“When the news broke about the suspensions, I knew I was going to start because of the way the depth chart is set up. I was sad for Travis, but I quickly realized it was a great opportunity for me to show what I can do.”

On his tipped ball that led to the Andrew Sweat Interception

“It was a little bittersweet since I couldn’t come down with it myself. But I am glad Andrew was able to come up with it – anything that helps the team makes me happy.”

On his faith in the OSU Defense

“I never doubt our defense. I see them play every day in practice. There may not be any big household names, but the coaches on defense trust us all.”

WR Devin Smith

On scoring his first touchdown as a Buckeye

“I didn’t think he would throw it to me, but (after the play) my emotions were very high. As soon as I scored I looked to my mom. I know she was proud of me.”

On the relationship with Braxton Miller and Evan Spencer

“We knew each other from recruitment even before we committed. We’ve all hung out throughout camp and in the hotel. We’ve built a good friendship and have learned together throughout camp. Our friendship definitely helps us work well together on the field.”


WR Evan Spencer

On his catch from number 5

“We had a go route called. I didn’t think the ball was going to come to me until I realized I had my guy beat. I didn’t think Braxton (Miller) was going to throw it but then he did so I had to make the catch. It was great.”

On his progression up to today’s game against Akron

“Devin (Smith) and I got here and realized we really had a lot to learn. The coaches really broke it down for us and made it a lot easier. We both had times where things would be slow then it would pick back up. It’s coming along. I think we have both made great improvements and learned a lot since coming here.”



QB Clayton Moore

Disecting the Buckeye Defensive Performance

“They were very physical. We had a good game plan going in but we didn’t execute as well as we would have liked to and some of that was on me. We made some good things happen but the little things beat us today. You have to do the little things right vs. Ohio State.”

On how much the heat factored in the ballgame

“It was smoking; I went in for halftime and couldn’t feel my legs. I have played in a couple day games that hot before. I don’t think it affected my play. We just didn’t execute and we lost.”

On the lack of execution

“I don’t think they outmanned us, just a step here and step there. The heat may have affected us depth wise. They had more guys to sub in and had fresh legs. I wouldn’t say we gave up and didn’t compete. If you were to look at something it would be execution.”

LB Brian Wagner

On OSU’s Offensive performance

“We didn’t play that well later in the game. They started to wear us down and that wasn’t Zip defense. I can’t say we played well. They ran all over us and passed all over us. I’m disappointed.”

On failing to execute

“We prepared all week against the stuff they threw at us but we didn’t execute. We didn’t do the little things. We missed gaps and tackles and did things winning programs don’t do.”

On what to take out of this game

“Ohio State is a tough team. They are big and that kind of power ball is going to help us against Temple. They run the same type of offense and it was good foreshadowing for Temple. We need to get it together for next Saturday because we have a very tough opponent.”

Notable Coach’s Quotes

Rob Ianello

On today’s performance from his players

“Our defense was on the field way too long. I felt we were competitive on defense, but we missed too many tackles which was a result of being on the field too long. On offense we didn’t get anything accomplished today.  I’m most disappointed in our offense.”

On the struggling Zips offense

“The line of scrimmage was our problem.  We knew they were very talented on defense and we certainly didn’t underestimate them going into it; but we had trouble with their defensive front all day.”

Luke Fickell

On what today meant to the team

“The reality of the day is we were excited, the whole team.  To me that’s where our focus was about this whole team.  I think they asked me afterwards is this finally after six months of all this stuff, is it finally ‑‑ I said no, that’s not where our focus has been for six months.  These guys have done a great job.  Even with everything that’s been outside and out and around us, they’ve done a really good job of focusing. We know what our expectations are.  We’re not going to be satisfied.  That’s the biggest thing.  But we are definitely excited about having a great day out there and looking forward to getting better.”

On the play of Joe Bauserman and Braxton Miller

“I thought they did a good job.  When you talk about Joe and how he did, you’ve got to look at the whole offense.  I think the offensive line did a great job with giving him confidence, and Coach Bollman in the offense did a great job with balance giving him the ability to settle in and have some confidence.
And the guys made some great plays.  We had some great runs.  You’ve got your Zach Borens and those guys behind you.  It was really good to see Joe show that leadership and that confidence, but I think as a whole group that was most impressive.”

On the play of Dominic Clark, Rod Smith, and Carlos Hyde in regards to the Hall/Howard Suspension

“I think those guys did a good job of stepping up.  We’ll focus on the guys we have here, and that is the most important thing.  If it changes week to week, we’ll continue to have guys step up. I think that’s the thing that I might be most excited about, and I think this team might be most excited about is they didn’t whine about it, they didn’t bat their eyes about it.  They just said next man up. That is the amazing thing.  When an opportunity arises, who is going to step up and take it?  That is how competition is created, and I think that’s what’s going to make us better in the long run.”

On the play of the running backs

“It had been one of the deeper spots on our team.  I think really we only had two guys that were healthy to go today and they had to share the load.  I don’t have the stats in front of me, but from the naked eye out there, I was impressed with how hard they ran with their demeanor, with their body language.  If they got tired, the other guy was willing to go run in there. I think that’s probably the thing that I saw the most.  You might not see it in the score book some of the runs from Zach Boren, but I can assure you that those guys on the other side know what is the lead of our running game.  I think he did a great job too.  And those guys, Adam Homan and those guys did a great job at sharing the opportunities.  But I think we’ve got a chance to have big things out of those guys.”

On Braxton Miller’s reaction to his first drive as a collegiate quarterback

“I don’t think it blew up on him.  I think that was kind of fitting for him.  I told him on the sideline that might be the best thing that happened to you.  You got to run the ball right off the bat and you got hit, so you forgot about that.  You had a bad play and a senior guy that snapped the ball to you on the ground, and most important thing to me, is you didn’t bat an eye at it.  You didn’t throw your helmet or get mad or upset.  You handled everything extremely well. I think to me that is one of the biggest tests we’ve got to be able to do is see how we can handle it.  How we can handle different things.  We’ve told them nothing goes unnoticed.  To me, those are the things we’re watching. We want to see how guys handle it, their body language, how they come to the sideline and work together.  I was impressed.  I haven’t watched it completely yet, but I think he did a really good job of handling himself, and he’ll continue to grow in that area.”

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