Behind Enemy Lines: Thursday In Lincoln

Greetings from the land of corn and… well, corn. After an uneventful flight, it was good to touch down back in a part of the country where smog isn’t a daily part of the experience.  Boredom? Well, that’s another story.

Behind Enemy Lines: Thursday In Lincoln
Like this, minus all the excitement.

Quick thoughts from Thursday in Nebraska:

  • Was able to give about three “O!H!”s to folks in the airport, and received the same number of “I!!O!”s in return.  I’ll admit, though, that having everyone involved wearing red is pretty freaking confusing.
  • The rent-a-car guy gave me a “Go Bucks” when I mentioned I was in for the game. We flew in to Omaha, and he was from just across the river in Iowa- “Represent the B1G Ten, man.”
  • Speaking of Omaha, the local UFL team is pretty Buckeye-centric, leading to this article today. While many folks are pointing to Troy’s comments about taking “the rap… so a lot of people wouldn’t get in trouble”, it’s impossible to miss the things he has to say about the state of college sports and he and Maurice’s love for their former coach.
  • I’m staying with the wife’s family while we are here- my grandmother in law waited all of three minutes after our arrival to remind me “Nebraska’s going to beat Ohio State!” My response- “No, they’re not… If OSU loses, it’s because they’ve beaten themselves.”
  • Today’s news stories from the local paper and the university press were primarily about Nebraska’s attempts to minimize penalties (someone please forward this to our offensive line); whether or not Pelini will care about facing his alma mater; Cornhusker players supporting their Quarterback; Nebraska trying to figure out which QB to prepare for against Ohio State.  I’ll be honest,the last one made me giggle.
  • As if it weren’t already a B1G game, it’s also homecoming in Lincoln. I’m sure my daughters will have great time enjoying the festivities on Friday, and I’ll have a great time doing some counter-brainwashing on Saturday and Sunday.  Quick note about Homecoming- Notice anything (or lack of something)?
  • Weather is supposed to include thunderstorms and rain.  All the better for turnovers, my dear…

More coming tomorrow and into the weekend… If you’re headed to the game, drop us a line– it’s always great to connect with Buckeye (oh, OK- and Husker) fans from across the nation.

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