Across The Web: Illinois

This week, we’re joined by Joe from Hail To The Orange, who was super gracious to partner with us again… my, how times have changed.  Let’s get ready for Turtle Talk!! Here we go!

Nate Scheelhaase has become a great dual threat quarterback much like Juice Williams. What are Ron Zook and his staff doing to ensure Scheelhaase doesn’t fall prey to the same problems Williams did in the latter part of his career?

Across The Web: Illinois
Older And Wiser Now

Well for starters, at this point Nathan Scheelhaase is already a much more developed passer than Juice Williams ever was. Juice was thrown in as a starter halfway through his freshman season, fresh out of the Chicago Public League and was completely new to the offense. Scheelhaase has been allowed to redshirt, won the position last year in camp, and has had the benefit of an offensive coordinator that has utilized his running game as an excellent compliment to his passing game. Aside from all that though, the pressure has never been as high on Scheelhaase as it was on Juice to “save the program”

Illinois has one of the top ranked defenses in the nation this year.  Is this a surprise, or were Illinois fans expecting it this season?

It is mostly talent, and the coaching has simply honed and disciplined the players into using that talent properly. Illinois is not a complicated defense, it is not going to dial up creative blitzes to try and outsmart an offensive line, nor is it going to stunt or switch coverages on the fly. It will simply line up man to man and get pressure on the quarterback from the front four and stop the run with the linebackers.

Across The Web: Illinois
I Has A Ponder

Does the undefeated start mean that Zook is no longer on the hot seat for this season? Do you see his tenure there being long term? Also- the Illini showed great resolve in coming back against Northwestern- how do you think that impacts them as they make a run at the B1G Conference Title?

I have to imagine a 6-0 start solidifies Zook for next season, and winning 8 games will likely get his contract extended. I think things will get a bit more dicey if Petrino leaves for a head coaching job after this season (which he might.) Illinois has done two things this year that it does not normally do: come from behind to win, and win close games, that can only be a good sign, but frankly as long as Wisconsin is in the same division as the Illini it is hard to see them making it to Indy.

If you could replace the IlliBuck “turtle”, what would better represent both schools and the rivalry?

Never replace that wooden turtle, it is the coolest trophy in football and unique in a way that transcends logic.

Across The Web: Illinois
We've Got Turtle, Yes We Do...
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