Rob Harley Is A… Spartan!

Rob Harley Is A... Spartan!
Still Bleeds Scarlet And Gray

It’s not often that we here at tBBC celebrate great things that happen in East Lansing… well, there’s one regular occurrence, and we give major props to graduate work completed there (Eric- what’s taking so long?).

That being said, today we are excited to announce that Coach Dantonio has added even more Buckeye to his staff, as our favorite ESPN personality and Ohio Dominican coach Rob Harley adds green and white to his wardrobe as a member of the Michigan State Spartan football program.

I’m tempted to list this as the first known “Sparty YES!!” moment in the school’s history.

We alluded to this on Christmas, but wanted to hold off until he’d announced it to the rest of the world- and Rob did so Friday evening. Personally, we were really hoping that he’d get the open gig at Penn State, but I’m sure they know what they’re doing (not really).

Rob will be a graduate assistant with Coach Dantonio, and will have his role developed over the coming months. GA, Coach, whatever- he’ll always be a Buckeye, and we’re excited for this opportunity in his life. Heck, he’s got twice the reason to hate That School Up North now.

Best of luck, Rob- We’ll be cheering for you always even if we might want your team to lose on occasion!

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