Basketball LiveBlog: Iowa

Iowa is the destination for the team today as the Buckeyes meet the Hawkeyes on their court.  The game is set to tip at 3:00 pm EST on the Big Ten Network.

Our Buckeye Blogger friends will be joining us at 2:30 pm. In the meantime, go check out their places! the Buckeye Blog, OSU Silver Bullet, Scarlet and Game, Buckeye House Call, Our Honor Defend, Men of the Scarlet and Gray, and Fox Sports Ohio.

If you’re looking for web-video for the game, try First Row Sports (warning: pop-up ads). Click the basketball tab, and you shouldn’t have any trouble finding the right game. I’ve heard people having issues with this website recently – if that’s still the case, let me know and we’ll hunt around for another source.

Go Bucks!

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