It’s Just the Right Thing to do

It's Just the Right Thing to do

#Hop2TheRafters started at Sign Please one night after a conversation about whether or not tOSU would ever retire Dennis’ jersey. I’m the kind of person that loves a challenge, even though I believe this should be a slam dunk, and took it upon myself to start the petition.

What followed was very exciting. A few of us have been working twitter pretty hard to get signatures and to make contact with former buckeyes. Our success rate was not very pleasing, but we were making headway. There’s more than 250 people who have signed the petition and we started a campaign to raise money for T-shirts. Just over a week ago, the Buckeye Nuthouse agreed to wear a T-shirt that would advertise our mission. Mali came up with a great design which is the logo for this article and we decided on Fresh Brewed T’s to produce it for us. With the help of a BIG donation from Chris Holloway from Our Honor Defend we were underway.

There’s been a small army of friends on twitter that has put a lot of time and effort into this campaign, @OSUHousecall  @OHD_Chris  @SEAZajac @BrutusBuckeye58  @ClevlndsCapo21 @OurBuckeyeHub @The_BBC @atj1971 and we won’t be done until we get Dennis #32 retired and hanging in the rafters of the Schott. There have been several efforts to help out and everybody is doing more than their share of the work. The best place to go is a dedicated page at The Buckeye House Call by Grant Edgell and you can see the original article I published through Our Buckeye Hub.

We have five days to finish strong so we can purchase as many T’s as possible and need your help! Donate as much as you like because every little bit helps put another T on a Buckeye Nuthouse member during the Illinois and Wisconsin games to finish the season. During the Purdue game the other night, the trivia question was, Who is the all-time scoring leader at THE Ohio State University?  Help us put his jersey in the rafters and remember the player who enjoyed the single best season in the history of men’s basketball.

Check out these great stories done by others across the Buckeye Blogosphere:

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