Silver Bullet Points Gets Coached Up

Midweek madness in March… be sure to stick with us after the break to get insight into the personalities and ideologies of some of the new Ohio State coaching staff

Silver Bullet Points Gets Coached Up
Learning from the best

Buckeye 411

  • All Sully, All The Time- Jared Sullinger was today named as a finalist for the John Wooden award, the only one of the fifteen finalists to have also been on that list for the 2010-11 season. He was also named an All American by the Sporting News… which is nice.
  • However-  In the Sporting News piece, we read this:

But the number that best explains his sophomore season is the dramatic decline in free throw attempts from his freshman year. He’s getting fouled about 20 percent less often this season than last, although he is most certainly being challenged by defenders in greater numbers and it would appear he is being contacted more. He is attempting and making roughly the same number of shots as last season, but he is getting fewer calls.

More contact, but fewer calls? That right there is all you need to know about the state of B1G officiating this season, just in case the conference player of the year possibly fouling out of a huge game and not being removed by the officials wasn’t enlightening enough.

Q: Who would star as you (in the movie adaptation of the book)?

A: We had that question asked at Ohio State. We had to do the profile thing during timeouts (at games), where they asked you who would play you in a movie. All my teammates said Denzel Washington. That wouldn’t work for me, though.

How about Zac Efron? We could turn it into a musical.

All I needed to read, though, was Greg Oden’s blurb for the cover-

“Mark Titus knows a lot of personal secrets of mine. If he revealed any of them in this book, I will kick him right in the testicles. I’m not joking.”

When you buy it, be sure to do so from Amazon– gives a little love to your favorite corner of the interwebs.

As Promised

  • Getting Drilled-  We’ve been able to get to know the new OSU coaches this week via coaching videos that show some of the work that the Scarlet and Gray are involved in during spring prep time.  Check these out.

Coach Herman and the QBs

Coach Hinton on ball security

Coach Withers and the DBs

 Around The NCAA

Silver Bullet Points Gets Coached Up
Insert toxic waste joke here
  • Title IX- Story of the day was that an amazing member of the LSU women’s soccer team has decided to try out for the football team. I’m really rooting for her- I think it’d be a great story. You know who’s not cheering for her? The kid that will get cut to give her a spot on the roster… and yes, since she’s a scholarship athlete in another sport, she’d count as a football scholarship even if she walked on (think track athletes).
  • You’ve got this going for you- Hey, Spartan fans… so you’ve got friends who are shambling around campus after Will Buford ripped their hearts out on Sunday? Well, cheer up buckaroos- If they don’t recover, you can always take MSU’s class on surviving the Zombie Apocalypse to ensure that you’ll make it to next football season. Seriously, though- I’d love to sit in on that one… Maybe our resident MSU student can get me a copy of the syllabus or something.

And Finally

  • Thinking Ahead- I’m not shaving the manly beard (headed toward Swanson territory), but if I was I’d go with these guys:


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