Update: Storm Klein Reinstated

Following his plea to a lesser charge this week, Senior linebacker Storm Klein has been reinstated to the Ohio State football team by Urban Meyer.

As you may remember, he has been suspended following his arrest on charges of assault, specifically during an altercation with the mother of his child.

This comes after reports that the alleged victim in the situation fully recanted her earlier testimony, and in addition to speculation that the testimony may have been less than accurate.

The Associate Press quotes Coach Meyer as follows-

As I had indicated previously, if there are any changes in the charges against Storm, I would re-evaluate his status. The charges that would have violated our core values have been totally dismissed. I have spoken extensively to members of both families and that has prompted me to re-assess his situation and allow him back.

Klein will still miss two games to open this season, and has missed the entirety of Fall Practice thus far.

Your reaction to this may depend on your perspective prior to recent events in this story. For those who are looking for a reason to praise Coach Meyer for waiting for the truth to come out and do “what is right” by his student athletes, you can find rationale in this.  For others who are interested in Coach Meyer’s “record” at Florida and elsewhere regarding players’ legal issues, this only reinforces your perception that he is soft in these matters.

As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle- and will more than likely never fully come to light in the same media that would rather project and support whatever narrative they’ve chosen.

At any rate, we wish everyone involved in this situation the healing and closure that they deserve.

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