What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Michigan State Edition


What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Michigan State
This for Mr. Bell. Sans missed tackle, of course.

Ring the Bell. Put as many silver helmets on Le’Veon Bell as possible. Wear him out before he wear the defense out.

Speed it up. I’d like to see the offense speed things up to a pace similar to the Miami of Ohio game when they ran 85 plays.

3rd down. Silver Bullets: Get off the field on third downs, especially ones over 5 yards.

XBrax360. Braxton Miller, do your thing.

College Gameday. Ohio State is 19-10 in games whereby ESPN’s College Gameday broadcast their morning pregame show from the site. Time to make that an even ten games over .500


Under 80. Hold Le’Veon Bell to under 80 yards. MAY is going to try and run early and often. If the Buckeyes contain Bell and force Andrew Maxwell to beat them with his arm, they have a great chance to win.

Hall and Hyde. There’s been some talk of both being on the field together. It will be interesting to see if that happens. And if so, what kind of plays will Urban Meyer have in store.

Wrap Up. It has been hammered home as a point of emphasis, but OSU simply cannot miss open field tackles or they will be in trouble. It would be nice to see 2 or 3 guys swarming to the ball on every play.


What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Michigan State
Travis Howard has been a pick machine for the Bucks this season. More please!

Picks, picks and more picks. Andrew Maxwell threw 3, count ’em, 3, interceptions against Boise State. I’d like to see the Bucks at least match that tomorrow. A single pick six would also count in my book. Set the tone of their passing game early and often for them.

A dynamic offense. Michigan State may very well have the best defense we see all season long. We’d better look our best against them or we’re in trouble. We know this team can turn it on in a hurry, let’s do it at the starting gun this time, shall we?

An “off” day for Le’Veon Bell. Look, Le’Veon Bell is going to get his yards. Mark Dantonio is too good of a coach to not have a team that can block for a quality running back, and Bell can turn nothing into something in a hurry. It would be nice to see him have an off day – at least for him – and put up less than 100 yards on the ground.

A strong return for Carlos Hyde. We haven’t seen Mr. Hyde for two weeks. He’s finally back, so we’ll get to see him truck it in East Lansing. He needs to help the Buckeyes not be one-dimensional and plow through the line like the 18-wheeler we all know he is.

The Mark Dantonio Scowl. The Dantonio scowl has to be one of the best coach expressions ever. The worse things get, the deeper it gets, until all hell breaks loose. I want to see the deepest Dantonio scowl ever seen at the end of the game.


Training Wheels Off. I get the sense (and the hope) that the staff has been being particularly cautious with Braxton and the Ohio State offense. Here’s to some new wrinkles.

Bombs away. The deep ball may be there, given MSU’s youth in the secondary AND their desire to shut the run down. Provide protection, make moves, and go deep.

Press and Pressure. Other than their great running game, MSU’s offense is pretty hit and miss, and Kirk Cousins ain’t walking through that door. Time for our DBs to earn their buckeyes, with aggressive coverage that allows for creative attacks on the front.

Special Specialness. Blocked punt? Onside kick? C’mon, man…

I’m not going to say it. Hope springs eternal.


What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Michigan State
Braxton hits the "x" button for "stutter step defender out of his shoes".

XBrax360 from the beginning. We’ve seen what happens to the offense when they limit him…it’s not good. Let’s let him do his thing for four quarters and see what happens.

Pressure on Andrew Maxwell. It’s no secret that this team relies on its running game, but Maxwell will have to throw at some point. Let’s get lots of pressure on him and force him into making mistakes.

Hurry Up Offense. I’d like to see them run closer to 85 plays like they did in week one. They have the tools and athleticism for it so let’s see it. (And in so doing, hopefully wear down the MSU defense).


Just win.

Joe L.

Win #5. I don’t think this game is going to be pretty and I would rather talk about it coming out on top than not.

Braxton hitting the deep ball. I see MSU selling out to stop the run, leaving the deep ball open for big plays

Making MSU beat us through the air. I don’t think they can do it and if we stop the run I think we win the game


What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Michigan State
Vertical? Devin Smith will show you vertical!

No More Vanilla.  I want to see the vanilla everything go away. I am more convinced now that Coach Meyer has been laying low with this team to get them to fight through. They have stayed basic and it’s time to let go and unleash for the next 9 weeks. I want to see all of the formations on O we’ve been hearing about and want to see man to man on D like we know they can cover. High powered O and Silver Bullets on D!

Freak Show. We have heard about it and have seen glimpses. We also know that they have the personnel to put some fear into teams and that should happen this weekend to send a nice message! Leave no questions about how good our special teams can be who weren’t very special last week.

Bombs Away!  I am getting tired of hearing about how we cannot go vertical. A few words for everybody. Whiskey didn’t think so either. Braxton has a cannon and can throw the football better than anyone I have seen do it on the run in a looooooong time. Take the D-line out of the equation and put the pressure on the Sparty D to match our speed, because we do have it. I want some plays of 20+ that aren’t Braxton “shaking” defenders but drawing em in and going deep!

Get Off Coach Fickell’s Back. I was tired of it when it began last year and am already tired of it this year. Yes, he is responsible for the D, but he is also the co-defensive coordinator. Coach Meyer has said on more than one occasion and reaffirmed it this week. This is a defensive staff by committee, they work together to get where they need to be. We’ve been vanilla the first four games on purpous and Coach Fickell is a great coach as well as a Buckeye, so lay off.


Bend but Don’t Break. I don’t know if it is by design or the fact that we can’t keep up with the WR’s or not but the opposing team seems to just nickel and dime us down the field. So, if that’s the case, lets just keep them out of the end zone.

Hurry Up Already. The offense needs to speed it up. It seems slow and methodical doesn’t work. I would like to se them snap the ball with 15-20 seconds on the play clock. This should equate to points on the board for us.

On Target. Braxton looked a little better passing last week but still had overthrows and passes behind receivers. If he can dial it in a little, look out Sparty.


Containment. Bell is going to get his yards. Keep him contained and make them beat you with somebody else. 120 yards or less would be good, under 100 ideal.

Free Braxton! It looks like Miller is being coached to find the WR first, and run as a last resort. Change that and let his legs beat MSU

4 sacks. We need pressure on the QB, and we’re not getting it.

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