What do you Want to see on Saturday? Indiana


What do you Want to see on Saturday? Indiana
Freak Show.

Stay on the Gas. Part Two. I missed out on last week but had I put mine in I would have asked for them to keep the pedal down. Amazing what a difference a week can make and then we put up 63! It’s the hoosiers and the Buckeye fans will take over that stadium and make it the SHOE2. This should be coach Meyer’s 100 point game.

Young Guns. Part ?. Yes it’s a question mark because I am not sure we’ve seen part one yet! With injuries happening left and right we don’t necessarily have to worry about what that will cost us because all we can have is an undefeated season and a trophy for winning our side of the conference. we have an opportunity to turn some Silver Bullet Young Guns loose this week. I for one am really looking forward to seeing more of Marcus, Williams and Perkins at LB and cut them loose!

Freak Show Coming together. Just About. I want to see more of these guys prowess. Now that Brown has snuck unto the scene as a punt returner, having only had three returns for about a 3 yard average before Saturday night, they obviously see something in this group of players now that is really starting to cook. Looking forward to seeing a game where the Freak Show dominates!

End the Misconception.  I am not sure where people around the country got the idea that taking it easy on teams was an Ohio State thing? But . . . they are wrong. This misconception has been created by the fact that during the tenure of Jim Tressel, he made sure that he didn’t embarass anyone involved with those smaller programs especially those in Ohio. Ohio State is out to do one thing, and they are going to do it the way their head coach Urban Meyer wants, and thats leave no doubt and end the misconception that they will be nice.


Start strong on O, Stay strong on O. I want the bucks to come out early and strong on offense. A performance like last week vs Nebraska (or pretty much any first quarter this year) is unacceptable. We may get away with one vs Indiana (or basically anyone left on our schedule), but it’s a habit the team needs to break if they hope to compete at a national level at some point. Going along with that they need to be consistent. They had consistency with leaps and bounds vs Nebraska, hopefully they don’t revert to their pre-Big Ten schedule ways.

Passing yard practice. If there were a team left on our schedule to work on your passing game, this is probably it (maybe Illinois in a few weeks). Our passing game is miles beyond where it was last year, but nowhere near where we obviously want it to be. Hopefully they can use this “cupcake” to work on that part of their game a bit.

Bring your kids to work day. I expect tOSU to be on top early and big. With that in mind I’m hoping to get a look at some of these youngsters. The D-Line in particular. For the most part we haven’t seen a lot of subbing past the starting 4 on the D-Line, and I want to see some of those blue chip recruits in play.


Rest and rejuvenation. The Buckeyes made it through arguably the toughest two games on the schedule and now it is time to get healthy in preparation for the homestretch.

Keep getting better. The team will be coming off of a major emotional high following the Nebraska game. It will take some serious leadership amongst the players to keep getting better each week from here on out with a less than premiere game this week.

Cheap tickets. I’ll be traveling to Bloomington to scalp some tickets and catch the game.


What do you Want to see on Saturday? Indiana
More Carlos Hyde? Yes please!

No letdown. There’s no reason Indiana should be in this game by mid third quarter. Keep emotions high and play like it’s your last chance. Remember: there is no bowl game, therefore EVERY week is a bowl game.

No remorse. I enjoyed Urban Meyer hanging 63on Nebraska and I did not in any way feel the last touchdown was inappropriate. No remorse for the helpless on the football field. Want us to stop scoring? Do something about it.

More Carlos. Carlos Hyde has earned the opportunity to carry it 15-20 times a game. Feed Carlos on Saturday.

Return to form. Get form tackling and fundamentals on defense back to the level they were at against MSU.

The Horseshoe West. If you’re making the trip to Bloomington, as a lot of you do, be loud!


Quick Start. Let’s bury Indiana early. OSU hasn’t had many great first quarters this year, let’s just put this game away after the first quarter and enjoy the rest of the game.

10 Points. There’s no reason Indiana should score more than 10 points against the Buckeyes. Hopefully, OSU’s defense comes to play and can gain some momentum going forward, giving the young group some confidence.

Five Touchdowns. Call me selfish, but I want to see Braxton Miller at least challenge Geno Smith in Heisman consideration. I would like for Miller to have five total touchdowns against the Hoosiers and then sit the entire fourth quarter to avoid injury. If you can’t tell, I’m predicting an OSU blowout.

Joe L.

Another game with a defensive, offensive, and special teams touchdowns. I know this doesn’t happen all that often, but it is fun to watch.

Passing game improvement. I think Miller has been ok throwing the ball. This is the type of game Miller should be able to get comfortable in the pocket and deliver some big plays with his arm

Young pups. It would be nice to see some guys that haven’t made much impact so far this year get some time in the second half and deliver some big plays

Rod Smith. His touchdown run against Nebraska was a thing of beauty. I would like to see plenty more of it.


What do you Want to see on Saturday? Indiana
Jeff Heuerman would love to catch more touchdowns.

More Passing. I’m certain Braxton Miller has the chops for the passing game, we’ve clearly seen him put some excellent touch on his throws at times – when he doesn’t get happy feet from being excited, of course. Most importantly, I want this to not come at the expense of Miller’s running game. Call a few more passing plays and let Miller off the leash a bit if he feels the pressure.

No big plays for Indiana’s offense. Make ’em earn every single yard. It’s harder to beat teams when you give them 70 yard chucks of turf on a single play two or three times a game – even Indiana can put something together with that.

Jake Stoneburner. We really haven’t seen enough of him in the passing game this year. The transition away from TE was clearly bad for his game. Hopefully he can put it together before the end of the season.

The game. I really need to have a talk with my family and friends about the appropriate times to be having a wedding. College Football season is certainly not it.


No Letdown. I don’t want to see a slow start. I want to see the offense score early and often.

Braxton…Passing. He only threw 14 passes last week. I’d like to see some more offense through the air. This is definitely the week to work on it.

More please, Carlos. I’d like to see him pick up where he left off last week, and go for another 100 yard game.


No Letup. Indiana is young, but a good team that challenged Ohio State last season in Columbus. It’d be easy to have a let down after two huge emotional games, but that will be a problem on the road in Bloomington. If Ohio State is able to put up some good numbers early on, it might just be time for cruise control… but let’s get there first.

Staying Healthy. Granted, OSU has better talent than most B1G teams at every position, but some of the roster slots are getting thin. A week without injury is the goal here; which might mean playing some of the younger guys to get them experience.

Something To Think About. With several big games still on the schedule, it might be nice to see another wrinkle or two in the offense that would allow future defensive coordinators to have a nightmare or two.

Stoneburner, Where Art Thou? For that matter, the passing game overall has been pretty pedestrian- Philly on short stuff, taking a shot to Devin going deep, occasional TE seam route. This would be a good time to get the timing squared away for the development of the offense AND the young quarterback.

Smooth Jazz. Kenny G is more than a goal line relief valve… what about a series or two?

Need I Ask? I guess I do… sigh. You are familiar with the definition of “insanity”, yes?

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